Almost a week since the first blog. Seems like a long time, but there are times when one is unispired. Then there are nights like last night. Josh and I attended
theAlive Festival, and we were inspired. We were surrounded by hundreds of fellow Christians, all gathered in one place to worship the Lord and to learn more about how to truly live for Him. Leading worship was the David Crowder Band. It was awesome. Not just because Josh and I are huge fans, but because their sole purpose in creating music, is to bring glory to God.
That is to be our sole purpose too. Or, should I say "soul" purpose. It is easy for me to think that it would be easy to daily bring glory to God if I were a part of a Christian band that toured around the country singing of my love for Jesus, or if I were a Christian speaker appearing at conferences and churches to share with others what I know to be true. But it actually isn't as hard as it seems.
In the small space I occupy in this world, I occupy a huge space in the lives of those around me. If I am working to my fullest ability on a daily basis, I am bringing glory to God. That means, loving the children I care for, being respectful to my employers, caring for their home the way I would my own. If I am loving my husband to my fullest ability on a daily basis, I am bringing glory to God. This means living out the Fruit of the Spirit, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control", Galatians 5:22&23. Click here to read more. It also means daily asking the Lord, "How can I be the best wife to Josh today, the kind of wife he needs?" Thanks to Gary Thomas for teaching me this at his Sacred Marriage conference.
I will be the first to admit that I don't consistently daily live out any of these things, especially not in my marriage. I want to, and I am trying. I think knowing the right things to do is half the battle. Thankfully God is a forgiving God, a God of second chances. He knows I am not always at my best, and He is patient with me, gently guiding me back to Him, to His ways. Thankfully He has provided me with a forgiving husband, a husband willing to provide second chances to a wife who will continually need them.
So back to where I started, the Alive Festival. Josh and I will be worshipping there again tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night. Being there makes me so thankful to be a follower of Christ, to worship Him, and in the words of David Crowder,thankful that, "i'm ALIVE, i'm ALIVE, i'm ALIVE!"
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