Tuesday, July 06, 2004

In The Land of Forwards..."Fwd:....."

Okay, I will admit, I usually delete most emails that begin with "Fwd:...". My main reason for doing so is that most emailers out there don't know how to delete all of the other addresses of the emailers to whom this "Fwd:" has traveled. After scrolling through about a million addresses, the "Fwd:" usually isn't worth your time anyway. Once in a while I am curious to see what all the hype is about, why so many have received this particular "Fwd:", so I check it out.

I received one from my father the other day, and I was curious. Thanks Dad. My first thought after viewing it was, yes, to forward it to everyone on my address list. But I chose to post it here. My hope is that this "Fwd:" will reach not only my family and some close friends, but also those whom I do not know, that some how stumbled upon "kirsten's blog" or gitgan.com . It isn't the most exquisite piece of work, but it is moving, it is powerful, it can bring you to tears. It will leave you thankful.

Are you all sitting, reading in suspense? Wondering, "When will she post a link to this fabulous "Fwd:" she received?" Well folks, here it is.
I hope you enjoy it. Never forget....

Blood of Heroes


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