"Vacation all I ever wanted, Vacation had to get away."
Vacation by The Go Go's
We just finished up our first week back from vacation. Vacation was a little, well alot, different for me this year. For the past 27 years, yes that's my whole life, I have been vactioning every August in Vermilion, OH on Lake Erie. My family started staying at Mari-dor Beach when I was just six weeks old. The summer Josh and I were married, we spent a couple of days there with my family and then for the past 2 years, we stayed there on our own, the same time my family was there. The difference this year is that we vacationed with Josh's family.
We spent a week on the Atlantic Ocean on beautiful Topsail Island, NC. We stayed in an oceanfront house called Shore Thing.

Not the most glamorous house on the beach, but so perfect for our family. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, great kitchen, family room, and dining area. A mile or so away from the town of Topsail, we had easy access to shopping and dining. A few steps or so away from the beach, we had amazing access to the ocean.
Some of you, who know me well, know that I am not much for ocean swimming. Prior to this year, I had only been swimming in the ocean once before. That my friends, was in the crystal clear water of the Bahamas where if a shark were coming to eat me, I could see it well in advance. Here in NC, it was another matter all together. Just as it was on my honeymoon in Ocean City, Maryland. Poor Josh had to swim in the ocean by himself and to make matters worse, it was Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.
Anyway, this year I decided to take the plunge. I went in the ocean all the way! I had alot of fun, especially when Josh and his brothers were swimming with me. Actually, I wouldn't go in if they weren't in. And you know what, no shark bites! We never saw one or heard of one in the area the whole time we were there. God is good!
We had a great time on vacation! Lots of fun and lots of good family time. I think it's a great gift God has given us, combining man and wife. Then if you're combined with a good family, it's even better. Thanks mom, dad, Ben and Nate. We're looking forward to doing it all over again.
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