Tuesday, May 02, 2006

tonight's visit...#7

well, there's not much to write about this time. our visit was only about two hours long and most of it was spent playing at mcdonald's. we had planned to go to a park and have a picnic, but today turned out to be a little chilly. and it rained most of the day so the park would have been soaked. what kid doesn't like mcdonald's though? and josh and i like it too. i know, some people think it's gross, but not us!

we met up with the kids at 6pm. at dinner they were so good about eating before we played. we actually didn't even need to talk about it. they sat right down and started eating. our middle son was giving us a little bit of a hard time about eating 'enough' before he could go play. once we set the guideline of 'one more bite' before playing, it took him awhile, but he finally followed through.

the kids had a blast climbing in the playplace. i took a stroll through myself. it's hard when you're an adult! it takes lots of energy, crouching, and hurting your knees before you make it to a slide and sail your way out. the kids really enjoyed me being in there with them so it was totally worth it. josh and the baby played on the 3 and under slide. i got some cute video of them together, maybe someday we can post it.

when it was time to leave, i called the kids to get their shoes on. they came right over and got ready to go. i am so thankful for this! when at mcdonald's you see so many kids throwing a fit when play time is over. i haven't had to deal with that with the kids i nanny, and not having to deal with it tonight made us really happy!

on our way back to meet up with foster mom, we sang some songs in the car. our daughter's favorite song is 'open the eyes of my heart Lord' so we gave it a go a couple of times. she and josh enjoyed clapping along to the music. so cute!

foster mom asked if the kids talked about us being their mommy and daddy. she was surprised when we told her no. she said they have been talking about it with her. our daughter asked her, "who will be the kids at your house when we go live at josh and kirsten's?" how precious is that! and foster mom told us their pastor prayed for us in church on Sunday. that means so much to us! these kids have been surrounded by love and prayer for a whole year now. it started before we even knew who they were. we are so grateful.

we have another overnight on saturday. keep our little ones in your prayers. i am sure it's kind of scary for them. we'll do our best to help them feel safe! until saturday...


At May 03, 2006 12:20 AM, Blogger Suz said...

Kirsten, I just stumbled upon your blog last night and I've read all the way back to the beginning. Your story is amazing and it so exciting to see it unfold. You are sharing your faith in such a wonderful way!

Praying for both of you and the kids - they sound terrific!

At May 03, 2006 7:16 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

I'm glad it's going so well. Your kids sound so sweet. And it seems like they've been in a wonderful foster family.

Thank you for all of your support on my blog this past week. Everyone's prayers and kind words have helped. When you have a moment, could you email me at margaret308@charter.net?

At May 03, 2006 12:13 PM, Blogger Yeah So said...

I loved to hear that they are talking to the foster mom about living with you guys. That just shows how excited they are. What an awesome family.


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